Envelope Creativity Boosts Response Rates

Entrepreneur opening a padded envelopeOne of the biggest hurdles of direct mail? Getting people to open the envelope.

Postcards and self-mailers have the advantage of standalone, eye catching content. The graphics are immediately visible, compelling the recipient to read on.

But for many mail pieces, an envelope is essential. Using an envelope doesn’t have to be limiting, however. In fact, today’s printing technology allows envelopes to be more personalized and attractive than ever before. Customization turns envelopes from basic commodities to effective direct marketing tools.

Why Direct Mail?

cartoon envelope with megaphone

In our digitally saturated world, direct mail stands out:

Creative & Customized Envelopes: Reach More of Your Audience

Basic return address printed envelopes have long been a standard for many businesses. While they get the job done, inkjet technology has made it possible to completely customize envelopes, making your campaigns more personal, relevant, and compelling for your audience.

Some reasons to personalize envelopes for your business or organization include:

Increase Visibility

Generally, envelopes have the information necessary to get the mail piece to the recipient. But there’s a lot of white space left over that can be used to include a compelling call to action. You may not always open envelopes, but you’re sure to look at the outside to see who the mail piece is from. An envelope is a highly visible space available to tee-up the theme or message of your campaign.

Improve Open & Response Rates

Creative envelopes not only enhance visibility. They also raise curiosity, making recipients more likely to open and respond to your message. You can use the envelope to create a sense of urgency, letting recipients know there is a limited amount of time in which to respond.

Send a Timely Message

Customized envelopes have the advantage of timeliness. You can print for a specific theme, referencing your current campaign or a seasonal or time sensitive offer.

Stand Out from the Crowd

group of pencils one red among the blue
Background image created by Yanalya – Freepik.com

Giving a unique touch to your mailings separates you from your competition. In a mailbox of white envelopes, an envelope with color and interesting graphics stands out, making you more memorable than your competitors.

Segment, Budget, Personalize

The ability to customize means that you can create envelope designs that are more personal to the recipient. Maybe your mailing is targeted to past customers, or to your top donors. Whoever your target audience may be, you can make your envelopes specific to that group and the goals you have for them. With Variable Data Printing, you can even print each individual’s name on the envelope as part of the call to action.

No Overstock or Rush

When you print custom envelopes at the time of production, your printer can produce just enough for your mailing. That way, you won’t have to worry about storing overstock, or having a pile of extra envelopes specific to a campaign that you won’t be able to use again. On the flip side, you won’t have to stress about coming up short and placing a rush order. If the printer needs a few extras to finish the job, they can print more at no added cost to you.

The creativity of your imagination is the only limit when it comes to printing envelopes. Custom sizes, stocks, and colors are all available, making it easy to create a stand out envelope for your next campaign.

Ready to step up your direct mail? At Paw Print, we can assist you every step of the way, from designing your mail piece to printing to mailing fulfillment. Contact us today to get started!

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